Up here, in the great white north where I'm on a sojourn from the USA, Canadian TV, internet and phone companies all get their licenses from the government body, the CRTC, the equivalent of the FCC in the USA. Given that Canadian telcos are essentially, and oligopoly, it's a license to screw the average Canadian.
I have another blog dedicate to railing on cell phone and cable companies, affectionately called - The Telco Blues, but I felt compelled to write in this blog given the magnitude and apathy that seems to be inflicted on your average Canuck by their cell provider.
It's know that Canadians pay more for broadband internet and their cell phone rates than most other industrialized countries. The government tries to mollify their grumblings by saying it's part of that wishy washy Canadian social contract, that the people in the south and urban areas pay more to subsidize the prohibitive cost of service in bum @#$% northern Ontario or Saskatchewan. Some consolation.
But I again, digress.
I'm writing today to call our Rogers Wireless, who's been screwing my friend for the better part of 10 years. She's a sweet one, an honest one, and really doesn't have the tenacity or vigor to take on the sharks that work the call center. Today you can get pretty much a new phone and a plan with about 500 minutes (anytime) and unlimited week nights and weekends, for at least $75. Taxes in, she's been paying over $80, no 'free' phone, free calling after 9pm and only 200 minutes.
This was the deal they told her to sign up for when her contract last ended. I guess the lamb was lead to the slaughter. Of course they'd say that.
I mentioned that she could get out of her contract and get a better deal elsewhere and still be ahead. Apparently Rogers ( and tacitly, the Canadian government since they license Rogers) allow them to charge up to $20 to break a 'contract'.
Now, really, since no subsidized phone was involved, was a contract needed? Where rates going up? (her plan was terrible). The only entity benefiting was Rogers. They @#$'ed her royally.
So, she calls up to see what they 'can do' to improve her plan/monthly rate. Apparently the system access fee (WTF was that for anyway - you're paying for cell phone service, presumably, the ability to make and receive calls is part of the plan, so what's with the fee?) was no longer 'mandatory' was the word they used, a year ago. So, they did her a favor by taking it off her bill now. They wouldn't refund it though.
So, to get this straight, Rogers, is allowed to charge $8/month, when they are no longer authorized to do so. And they don't have to pay or refund back? WTF??? Legalized robbery. What else is it? They @#$% you for a year, you pay something you don't have to, (how would you know unless you called?) and then happily continue to collect vs. just canceling the fee. Honest to christ what is it with this country and the hold the major telcos have in government to continue this bullshit.
The sooner the government opens up more competition and develops an even playing field, the sooner Canadians can find companies that are focused on providing a good service for a fair price vs. an oligopoly that seemingly bilks at will.
Shame on you Rogers Wireless. Shame on the CRTC. Shame on Canadians regulated oligopoly.
For Canucks, write your MPs and tell them you want fairer dealings and more accountability on behalf of the major telcos, and to have a level playing field for new entrants in to the phone, cell, long distance, cable and internet industry.
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