Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey, Canadian media, quit it!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard of the phrase "there's nothing to fear but fear itself"?
Have you heard of a “self fulfilling prophecy"?
Or have you heard where a reaction to some event is worse than the event itself?

Shame on the media for fanning the flames of the recession and our economic situation.

Some people might not know there's a recession if they didn't watch the news.
What's worse, for the CBC where Canadian's tax dollars pay for Radio & TV news,your tax dollars are actually paying to spread doom and gloom!

Perhaps you, the media, could change the way YOU SAY the news. It's one thing to report statistics, but when you lead off with "and more signs the economy is in serious trouble", and "the bad economic news just keeps coming". You, the CBC, are fanning the flames of fear and reaction and are CAUSING the very thing we're trying to avoid.

Think about it. Change your strategy. I don't suggest not reporting what's going on, but THINK first HOW you report it, and perhaps feature people who are succeeding.

Your reporting and your peers are disgusting. I had always thought Canadian media was a cut above it's southern counterparts but since arriving here I see you're just as low as the U.S. tabloid cable news world where shlock and shock rule.

For Canadians, it's a double whammy! You pay tax dollars then come back to hurt you financially with the spread of fear affecting the economy and subsequently, the financial markets.

Report the news. Don't pass negative judgment on it. Don't fan the flames of fear, it's the last thing we need at a time like this.

Share my concern?

Email the media and let them know!




Grace Park Publicity Manager
Global Television & E!
(416) 967-2484

Globe and Mail

Corus Radio

Astral Radio

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