I got a note in the mail the other day from this Canadian company Domain Registry of Canada. Although they do say in bold and caps, it's not a bill, but a solicitation, the way it's positioned, "Domain Name Expiration Notice", you might think it's from your host provider. They're requesting that you renew, to the tune of $40 a year. We all know most domain name registries, at least ones in the US, are usually less than $10. So, they hope to net in people who forget, don't know, or are otherwise not paying attention to not only shift the domain, but pay 400% more than most other places. Really? Is this the best business you could come up with? Taking advantage of people's lacking attention span and business lives. Really?
Hey, DR of Canada, F-you.
These guys get a nomination for the 2011 Chizzler Awards.
If you have other stories of companies business models built more on taking advantage of people than truly providing a for value service, let me know, we'll include them for this year's nominations.